Roody x Tide & True | Norwalk, CT

June 12, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Roody & I did it--we opened up our very own photography studio in Norwalk, CT! Tide & True Studios is an actual dream come true, and we are so excited to have a space that is just 20 minutes away from our home.

Roody had the brilliant idea of getting all dressed up so that we could take pictures on the different sets of the studio. We definitely needed some photos for the website, so we cleaned up the mess we made after the launch party (LOL) and put the furniture back in place. Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

The story of how this bedroom set came to be is a VERY long one, but I'll keep it short. I had a vision, but I couldn't properly verbalize it. So we stood there in the empty room with the carpenter and we all tried to figure out what exactly it was that I was saying. Finally, it all made sense, and Marcos made it happen. The "window" was of utmost importance. I didn't originally plan for it to be 8 feet tall, but I'll call it a happy accident. I am so proud of this window!!

"The bedroom set is my favorite because there is so much potential to form a new kind of environment. It's not as simple as a seamless set, but it can be just as easy to transform."
Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

The bathroom set was something that Agnes, Dianne, and I slaved over. The wallpaper came in pieces, and I didn't order the right size. Agnes and I sang at the top of our lungs one night while we tried our best to line the wallpaper up. Dianne did an amazing job adding all the floral decorations. Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
We plan to change the look of this set quite frequently. It's pink right now because that is my favorite color. It might be blue in a few months. Who knows? It's supposed to be a fun spot with a massive bath tub.

Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

This isn't technically a set, but we will probably turn it into one. Latoria did an amazing job with the balloons, and we didn't want them to go to waste. So here is Roody, living in best life in the Darius Throne Chair and a million balloons behind him.

"To finally have our own studio feels like a dream. I never thought I would ever own one, even after all the daydreams I have had. Even after signing the lease, I still looked at the studio and asked myself if it's really ours."
-Roody Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

"Our plan for the studio is to provide creatives with a place to work. I want it to be a place that attracts the best of the best. We want to revive the arts in CT."
-Roody Roody's Portrait Session in studio at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Photo shoot ideas for men. CT photography studio for rent.Roody's Portrait SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

We have a lot of work to do before we consider ourself FULLY open, but we're proud of what we have accomplished so far.

Check out the studio website:


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