Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot | Norwalk, CT

October 27, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I'm not going to lie, I almost forgot how to blog haha. It's been almost 2 months since my last blog post, but I had to make this appearance because Thania is 20 years old today!

Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

We all know that whenever mentions the word "pink" to me, I go overboard. So pink backdrop, pink props, different shades of pink balloons AND this cute pajama set that Thania decided to start the shoot off with... I die! :) Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

There was something so very familiar about Thania--the way she posed and her long, straight hair. She revealed to me after her session that I did her sister's birthday shoot back in February! Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

And now for look number two! The fuchsia and silver look so good together.
Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

"I don't know how to pose," she said. I think Thania did an amazing job with posing :) Thania's 20th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Pink, silver and white theme. Birthday photo shoot ideas for adult women.Thania's 20th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT


Happy 20th birthday, Thania!


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