Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot | Norwalk, CT

March 13, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Christine is as cute as a button. While I was trying to put her lash back on in the make up room, I felt like I was doing make up for my daughter. I mean, I technically am old enough to be her mother haha. Today is her 16th birthday!

Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

The first time I met Christine was 2 years ago when I did Thamar's (her older sister) 16th birthday shoot. It's amazing how much she has grown since then! I'm so happy she was able to do a birthday shoot of her own. Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

Christine made this wild face while pretending to take a bite out of the cake, and it cracked us all up. We were laughing like it was the funniest thing on the planet. But it was so perfectly captured! I promise you--she only made that face for a split second, and I somehow captured it. Shoutout to the Canon R6 for the quick focus. The R6 is a real one. Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

Thamar's Godfather, Richard, was present and he gave a lot of posing ideas that I appreciated. He had a unique way of getting Christine to exude certain emotions and all I had to do was press the shutter button. Yay team work! Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

Of course I had to get some beauty shots. There's just so much pink in these photos, and it makes my heart happy. Also, work that face, Christine! Christine's 16th Birthday Shoot at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. Birthday photo shoot ideas for teenage girls. Pink and silver theme.Christine's 16th Birthday ShootTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT

I hope you had an amazing day, Christine! Happy Sweet 16!


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