Opont Family Portrait Session | Norwalk, CT

May 08, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I know it's Mother's Day, but can we just take a minute to appreciate how ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE Baby Eliana is?? It was such a pleasure to have my girl, Nessa Veeeeeeee, back in the studio. This time, she came back as a whole mother. Somebody's Momma. God is great!

Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT

Vanessa had the cool idea to recreate some of the maternity poses that we did. I tried to not stress myself out about it, but I was low-key nervous. Would I remember the lighting set up? The camera settings? The way the photos were edited? But all I did was throw the photos up on our big screen TV and shoot, and they came out similar enough :) Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT It's amazing what women go through to become mothers. I've heard of men getting jealous of how big of a deal Mother's Day is in comparison to Father's Day. Well, sir. Did you go through 9+ months of pregnancy? How about the pain and trauma of childbirth? Did your boobs become engorged with milk, and did a baby try to rip your nipples to shreds? How about Postpartum Depression. Did you get any of that? Have you had to deal with any hormonal imbalances? I mean, that's just a tiny bit of what most mothers go through. I think the least we can do is get a spa day and chocolates and flowers and whatever else we want and feel we deserve :)
Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT

"Motherhood has been an amazing journey! I feel like I was made to be a mother; everything just came so natural to me. Everyday has felt like a new fun adventure. I love learning and experiencing new things daily. Even when some days are exhausting; I look at my baby girl and just get this overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy. She reminds me each day that everything I do is worth it."

I still share this same sentiment 6 years into the motherhood journey. I look at the faces of my boys after they have nearly ripped the house apart, and I still feel so much love inside of me for them. Motherhood is an amazing thing haha!

Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT "My favorite thing Edson does as a father is play with Eliana. I love how he makes all these fun voices and comes up with all these fun and different ways to play and interact with her. The way she laughs and looks at him is just the sweetest!"

Edson is probably one of the coolest dads out there. I love the way he looks at Eliana. What a blessed little girl to have such loving parents!
Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT
Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT

"Eliana has a sweet feisty personality. She knows what she likes and wants and isn’t afraid to let you know when she doesn’t like something. She is so bubbly and fun! My girl enjoys a good time & a good laugh."

She is my favorite 5-month-old! I'm telling you, she's the cutest. I love her little face!!
Opont Family Portrait Session at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT. First Mother's Day portraits. Family portrait idea for black family of 3.Opont Family Portrait SessionTide & Studios, Norwalk, CT

I hope you have an amazing first Mother's Day, Vanessa! I can't wait to hang out with Eliana...I mean, you and Eliana again hahahahaha


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