D'nisha walked in with her bestie, Jay, and I already knew the shoot was going to be fire. She wanted to use our black fluffy robe, so I asked her if she would like to use this new backdrop that I was supposed to test out for Fancy Props. I didn't even need to really sell her on the idea haha. The backdrop is beautiful!
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
Brenton is such a supportive partner. I can tell by how he went with whatever the ladies told him to wear :) I love a supportive partner! It means he will be a great girl dad, too.
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
D'nisha's favorite trait of Brenton is "his ability to make me laugh in any situation, how affectionate and loving he is, how caring he is, and how hard working he is."
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
"I came back from basic military training and I didn’t know that I was pregnant so it was a shock to me."
But here we are, excitedly awaiting baby girl's arrival. I love when initial shock turns into excitement. Babies come into our lives and change us for the better.
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
I took my time finding the perfect digital backdrops to match this session. It's funny because this first pose wasn't even done on purpose. We captured it after the fabric had landed. But I love D'nisha's poise here! D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
This is the image that will be on display at the baby shower tomorrow. I made a 16x20 print for them. D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
After quickly reviewing the photos, D'nisha realized that she wasn't smiling in many of them. So we went back and quickly captured some photos of her smiling, because we're HAPPY! And we want baby girl to know we're happy :) D'nisha & Brenton's Maternity SessionTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT
Congratulations, D'nisha and Brenton! I hope we get to shoot again when baby girl gets here.