Fall Mini Sessions at Tide & True Studios in Norwalk, CT.Fall Mini Sessions 2021Tide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT


Fall Mini Sessions are here!


The set is absolutely beautiful, and it will look even better with your family's gorgeous face in it. Let's cut right to the chase. Here's all the info you need: 

  • Dates: Monday 10/11 10 AM - 8 PM (20 spots) and Sunday 10/31 2 PM - 6 PM (8 spots)

  • Cost: $50 Session Fee + whatever Image Collection you decide to purchase. Collections start at $150 for 3 images. An A La Carte Menu will also be available.

  • Each spot is 20-minutes long. We will run through as many posing combos as time allows. Then we will review your images and you may make your selection.

  • Reservations are First Come First Serve and non-refundable.


St. Phard Fall Family PortraitsSt. Phard Fall Family PortraitsTide & True Studios, Norwalk, CT


How to book: Click the pink "Book a Session" button at the bottom right side of this page and select the day and time slot you would like to be photographed. That's it! If you would like more information about the pricing of images, please e-mail me at [email protected].